"There's a special place in Heaven for a mom of all boys." Author: Unknown

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well today was an exciting day for Caelum. He started a 3yr old spring preschool. In the fall he will start a 4yr old preschool. I can't believe our little buddy is already in school. He was so cute about it. He was very excited to go when I took him up to the lady's house (she is in our ward) he ran right in and didn't even look back. When I went back to pick him up he started to cry because he didn't want to leave. His teacher before she let him go asked him what was he going to tell me that he learned today and he said "I learned about Jesus" So funny. He will be learning about the ABC's for the spring. Today he learned about the letter A and what sound it makes.


Colby and Dani said...

The first day of school is so much fun! I'm glad he had a good time!

Anna said...

Ah, so cute. I probably won't get to experience that since Will is home schooled, so glad I can experience it through you. :o) lol

Who's house do you take him to that is in our ward?